AMA$2637$ - translation to Αγγλικά
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AMA$2637$ - translation to Αγγλικά

Ama diver; Ama Divers; Ama (diver); Ama divers
  • ama}} diver.
  • Pearl diver with headscarf, 1935
  • Pearl divers in white uniforms, 1921

AMA, Amerikanische Verwaltungsbehörde
moon phase         
  • 200px
  • 200px
  • 200px
  • The lunar phases and [[libration]]s in 2023 as viewed from the [[Southern Hemisphere]] at hourly intervals, with titles and supplemental graphics
  • A crescent Moon over [[Kingman, Arizona]]
  • 200px
  • Earth's orbital plane]]) results in the revolution of the [[lunar nodes]] relative to the Earth. This causes an [[eclipse season]] approximately every six months, in which a [[solar eclipse]] can occur at the [[new moon]] phase and a [[lunar eclipse]] can occur at the [[full moon]] phase.
  • overexposed]] photograph of a crescent Moon reveals earthshine and stars.
  • Animation showing progression of moon phase.
  • 200px
  • Diagram of the Moon's phases: The Earth is at the center of the diagram and the Moon is shown orbiting.
  • 70px
  • 70px
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  • May–June 2005 calendar of lunar phases
  • The observed orientation of the Moon at different phases from different latitudes on Earth (the different orientation displayed between the phases at each latitude show merely the extremes of orientation due to [[libration]])
  • The phases of the Moon as viewed looking southward from the [[Northern Hemisphere]]. Each phase would be rotated 180° if seen looking northward from the [[Southern Hemisphere]]. The upper part of the diagram is not to scale, as the Moon, the  Earth, and the Moon's orbit are all much smaller relative to the Earth's orbit than what is shown here.
  • A [[full moon]] sets behind [[San Gorgonio Mountain]] in California on a midsummer's morning.
  • The ''lunar phase'' depends on the Moon's position in orbit around the Earth and the Earth's position in orbit around the sun. This animation (''not to scale'') looks down on Earth from the north pole of the ecliptic.
  • This video provides an illustration of how the Moon passes through its phases – a product of its orbit, which allows different parts of its surface to be illuminated by the Sun over the course of a month. The camera is locked to the Moon as Earth rapidly rotates in the foreground.
  • 200px
  • 200px
Moon Phase; Tsukuyomi Moon Phase; Tsukuyomi (anime); Tsukuyomi - Moon Phase; Moon Phase (anime); Moon Phase anime; Tsukiyomi Moon Phase; MoonPhase; Ama Lamia; Vampire Lover; Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase-; 月詠 -Moon Phase-; Neko Mimi Mode
Mondphase (die Mondform die sich je nach dem Tag im Monat ändert)
Kofi Annan         
  • frameless
  • Annan during the [[54th Munich Security Conference]] in February 2018
  • Annan with Russian president [[Vladimir Putin]] at [[United Nations Headquarters]] in New York City, 2001
  • South Sudanese independence referendum]] with fellow elder [[Jimmy Carter]], 2011
  • Annan with US secretary of state [[Condoleezza Rice]] in 2006
Kofi Atta Annan; Nane Annan; Titi Alakija; Kofi A Annan; Nina Cronstedt de Groot; Ama Annan; Kofi Anan; Efua Atta; Nana Maria Annan; Nana maria annan; Kofi Bo Bofi; Nane Maria Annan; Annan, Kofi; Kofi A. Annan; Koffi Annan; 2001 Nobel Peace Prize
n. Kofi Annan, Kofi Atta Annan (1938 in Ghana geboren), 7. Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen (besetzte viele Schlüsselpositionen bei der UN)




Ama (diving)

Ama (海女, "sea women") are Japanese divers famous for collecting pearls, though traditionally their main catch is seafood. The vast majority of ama are women.